Learn Accessibility by building a Quiz

While I was solving the tasks of the html, I noticed that in the html questions section I appended a span element inside an h3 element like so:

<h3><span class="sr-only">Question</span>1</h3>

And in the css file I make a before pseudo selector to add the text “Question #” to the page. The question I am asking is why did we do that? Why didn’t we do like that:

<h3>Question #1</h3>

My point is if we did this approach both the screen readers and users will be able to read that this is “Question number 1.”

If any one have any explanation I would appreciate your help.

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Hey Buddy Here Can You please provide me your Code ?

So that I’ll be able to help you out !!

I assume it is just to avoid it announcing “number”. Announcing “number” is a bit redundant.