Learn Algorithm Design by Building a Shortest Path Algorithm - Step 19

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Hello@team please I need help on this….I’m keep stuck in the section too much

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# User Editable Region

my_graph = {
    'A': 'B',
    'B': ['A', 'C'],
    'C': 'B',
    'D': ['A','C']

# User Editable Region

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Learn Algorithm Design by Building a Shortest Path Algorithm - Step 19

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You’ve added a new node, D, which is connected to A and C :white_check_mark:

but now you need to modify A and C to show connections to D.

It wasn’t entirely clear but that’s what it meant by "Modify your dictionary to represent this structure. "


Debes Modificar las lista ‘A’ y ‘C’, para que todas tengan coneccion ‘A’ con ‘B’ y ‘D’ , ‘C’ con ‘B’ y ‘D’.

Hola Gracias por ayudar, pero no es necesario responder a hilos que se resolvieron hace meses, ¡gracias!