Learn Algorithm Design by Building a Shortest Path Algorithm - Step 34

Not sure why this while loop is not accepted

Your code so far

my_graph = {
    'A': [('B', 3), ('D', 1)],
    'B': [('A', 3), ('C', 4)],
    'C': [('B', 4), ('D', 7)],
    'D': [('A', 1), ('C', 7)]

# User Editable Region

def shortest_path(graph, start):
    unvisited = list(graph)
    distances = {node: 0 if node == start else float('inf') for node in graph}
    paths = {node: [] for node in graph}
    while len(unvisited) != 0:
    print(f'Unvisited: {unvisited}\nDistances: {distances}\nPaths: {paths}')
#shortest_path(my_graph, 'A')

# User Editable Region

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Learn Algorithm Design by Building a Shortest Path Algorithm - Step 34

you just need to use the falsiness of an empty array and truthyness of an array with items, your condition can be only unvisited


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