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Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Hi I’m stuck on “List the contents to make sure it’s gone”

I got the instruction to remove ./websites/background.jpg

rm background.jpg, got success

“List the contents to make sure it’s gone”
ls -a
ls -l

none of these give me success, I’m in the directory website. Can’t seem to get past here, have tried listing from subfolders and parent folders as well…

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The validation process uses the hidden file in /workspace/.bash_history which keeps a history of the commands you have done in the terminal. Sometimes the validation process doesn’t match what it finds there with what it expects.
Try the following again, even if you are there

cd /workspace/project/website

Issue the ls command now and test.
If still the problem persists: delete the terminal window (click the trash-can, right hand) and open a new terminal.
If the problem still persists: click the reset in coderoad. That places you in a known state. If you click reset you must issue the cd /workspace/project/website again to record the step in the history for validation.

I have same problem.
When certain the execution is correct, if the program does not prompt the next dialogue box, please click ‘RUN’ to allow the program to proceed.

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