Tell us what’s happening:
i am currently trying to proceed and continue this course but it is telling me my cellphone number is not allowing calls, but it is. So is there another way to verify my account to continue without the need of my cell phone number.
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Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate
What exactly are you trying to do?
Please provide a good description of what you’re clicking, what it says and any URLs or screenshots that will help us understand what you are trying to verify.
Sorry for the late response but this is what i am dealing with so do you know any other way to verify an account to continue that is where Freecodecamp sent me too when i clicked on start course
- Create a GitHub account if you don’t have one
- Click the start button below
- Login to Gitpod with your GitHub account if you aren’t already
Do you already have a github account and you tried to authenticate to Gitpod via Github?