Tell us what’s happening:
I am familiar with the Linux terminal.
Yesterday I cp footer.jpeg images
camper: /project$ cd website/
camper: /website$ ls
CodeAlly.svg CodeRoad.svg footer.jpeg freeCodeCamp.svg header.png images index.html index.js lato.font menlo.font roboto.font styles.css
camper: /website$ cp header.png images
camper: /website$ cp footer.jpeg images/
camper: /website$ cd images/
camper: /images$ ls
background.jpg footer.jpeg header.png
camper: /images$ cd ..
camper: /website$ ls
CodeAlly.svg CodeRoad.svg footer.jpeg freeCodeCamp.svg header.png images index.html index.js lato.font menlo.font roboto.font styles.css
camper: /website$ rm header.png
camper: /website$ rm footer.jpeg
With the challenges complete, I closed my session (system shutdown), and returned today to continue, but the task to rm footer.jpeg
is still there. Of course, footer.jpeg is not there to copy; the test fails. How can I progress?
I tried recreating footer.jpeg and removing it again, but that did not work. The challenge remains. Will clicking ‘Reset’ reset the entire course to zero progress or just reset the current task?
camper: /website$ ls
CodeAlly.svg CodeRoad.svg freeCodeCamp.svg images index.html index.js lato.font menlo.font roboto.font styles.css
camper: /website$ ls images/
background.jpg footer.jpeg header.png
camper: /website$ touch footer.jpeg
camper: /website$ rm footer.jpeg
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Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate
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