Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Tell us what’s happening:

i was working on the boilerplate project and suddenly I got disconnected from the wifi, when I got connected again it won’t work like it was before.
before it was showing me the progress above and the terminal below now when got connected again I can’t see the the part where they tell you what to do it’s just an empty black screen now above the terminal what hell should I do now ??? I’m stuck

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Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Hi @hamzaessassi8

I understand your concern. Try not to panic - this kind of problems are common to every coder ( :frowning: ).

First of all, can you tell us if you have tried to re-open the CodeRoad again? Does it work? If you haven’t done that yet, try to do that operation before engaging in anything else.

Let us know if that didn’t solve your issue before we ask for more details.