Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Step 1130.1 - Can strangely not pass

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it’s really very strange why I cannot pass this step. Tried everything which came to my mind, but no luck. I need to show the file tree of the client/assets/images folder, which should be achieved by entering find client/assets/images. Tried this and some other things without success. I also followed the steps from the hint section to be sure.

Any help is appreciated.

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Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate

Hi @freakjr008

Try clicking the Run button.

Happy coding

Yes, thank you! Had also tried that without success. Tried again, same result :frowning:

Did you try Reset?

Yes, several times. No luck there as well. :worried:

Other than that, tried also following:

  • Going to other folders and to the corresponding folder itself and run find there
  • Closing and re-opening gitpod and try again
  • Entering find ./client/assets/images

You want to list the contents of a directory, not to look for anything specific.

If any of the fellow campers get stuck here: “this” was referring to the actual folder which is website. So just entering find was sufficient to pass the step.