Learn Bash by Building Five Programs, code not working, error freeCodeCamp's side?

I’m having a problem with this task:

Change the echo command of the response to print this sentence instead: Hello <name> from <location>. I learned that your favorite coding website is <website>!.

I’ve exhausted the hints. I’ve come back to it today and CodeAlly reloaded so it seems to have given me some template for how to answer this. Still, I changed the code in /questionnaire.sh and it still says ‘Your script should “echo” the suggested text correctly’.

The code I have in /questionnaire.sh looks like this:


echo -e "\n~~ Questionnaire ~~\n"

QUESTION1="What's your name?"
QUESTION2="Where are you from?"
QUESTION3="What's your favorite coding website?"

read NAME



echo Hello $NAME from $LOCATION. I learned that your favorite website is $WEBSITE!

Power of posting. Resetting manually meant it recognised what was up. Hope this can help anyone else stuck here.

I’m getting this error and doing it locally because the database course is just not reliable online. I did reset the module but the issue persists. Should I delete the file and recreate it?