Learn Basic Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Number Sorter - Step 37

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Hi everyone, can you help me here. They say I should use a while loop and I can’t see what is wrong with my while loop. Thanks in advance

Your code so far

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const insertionSort = (array) => {
  for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i--) {
    const currValue = array[i];
    let j = i - 1;
  while (j >= 0 && array[j] > currValue){j--


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Learn Basic Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Number Sorter - Step 37

Hi @gumedesandile01

Here is a comparison of the original code and your code.

The code in blue is the original code, the code in red is your code.
The code in magenta is the overlap.


You appear to have altered the for loop.
Instead of incrementing it is now decrementing.
Try changing it back to the original state.

Happy coding