In your fightSlime function, set fighting equal to 0 - the index of slime in the monsters array. Remember that you already declared fighting earlier in your code, so you do not need let or const here.
On the next line, call the goFight function.
Explicitly set fighting equal to 0. Simple as that.
Then, just call the goFight function. Note that it is goFight not gofight.
I don’t know which exercise you’re referring to but location[monsters][0] is meaningless. You have a monsters array and index 0 is an object:
name: "slime",
level: 2,
health: 15
However, location is not a valid javascript keyword.
The reason this is mentioned in the instructions, is that fighting is assigned a numerical value, equivalent to an array index so, for instance, monsters[fighting] is a reference to the above object, when the value of fighting is 0.