Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 174

Now add an else expression. Inside, add Wrong! You lose 10 health! to the end of text.innerText. Subtract 10 from health and update healthText.innerText.

let xp = 0;
let health = 100;
let gold = 50;
let currentWeapon = 0;
let fighting;
let monsterHealth;
let inventory = ["stick"];

const button1 = document.querySelector('#button1');
const button2 = document.querySelector("#button2");
const button3 = document.querySelector("#button3");
const text = document.querySelector("#text");
const xpText = document.querySelector("#xpText");
const healthText = document.querySelector("#healthText");
const goldText = document.querySelector("#goldText");
const monsterStats = document.querySelector("#monsterStats");
const monsterName = document.querySelector("#monsterName");
const monsterHealthText = document.querySelector("#monsterHealth");
const weapons = [
  { name: 'stick', power: 5 },
  { name: 'dagger', power: 30 },
  { name: 'claw hammer', power: 50 },
  { name: 'sword', power: 100 }
const monsters = [
    name: "slime",
    level: 2,
    health: 15
    name: "fanged beast",
    level: 8,
    health: 60
    name: "dragon",
    level: 20,
    health: 300
const locations = [
        name: "town square",
        "button text": ["Go to store", "Go to cave", "Fight dragon"],
        "button functions": [goStore, goCave, fightDragon],
        text: "You are in the town square. You see a sign that says \"Store\"."
        name: "store",
        "button text": ["Buy 10 health (10 gold)", "Buy weapon (30 gold)", "Go to town square"],
        "button functions": [buyHealth, buyWeapon, goTown],
        text: "You enter the store."
        name: "cave",
        "button text": ["Fight slime", "Fight fanged beast", "Go to town square"],
        "button functions": [fightSlime, fightBeast, goTown],
        text: "You enter the cave. You see some monsters."
        name: "fight",
        "button text": ["Attack", "Dodge", "Run"],
        "button functions": [attack, dodge, goTown],
        text: "You are fighting a monster."
        name: "kill monster",
        "button text": ["Go to town square", "Go to town square", "Go to town square"],
        "button functions": [goTown, goTown, goTown],
        text: 'The monster screams "Arg!" as it dies. You gain experience points and find gold.'
        name: "lose",
        "button text": ["REPLAY?", "REPLAY?", "REPLAY?"],
        "button functions": [restart, restart, restart],
        text: "You die. ☠️"
        name: "win", 
        "button text": ["REPLAY?", "REPLAY?", "REPLAY?"], 
        "button functions": [restart, restart, restart], 
        text: "You defeat the dragon! YOU WIN THE GAME! 🎉" 
        name: "easter egg",
        "button text": ["2", "8", "Go to town square?"],
        "button functions": [pickTwo, pickEight, goTown],
        text: "You find a secret game. Pick a number above. Ten numbers will be randomly chosen between 0 and 10. If the number you choose matches one of the random numbers, you win!"

// initialize buttons
button1.onclick = goStore;
button2.onclick = goCave;
button3.onclick = fightDragon;

function update(location) {
  monsterStats.style.display = "none";
  button1.innerText = location["button text"][0];
  button2.innerText = location["button text"][1];
  button3.innerText = location["button text"][2];
  button1.onclick = location["button functions"][0];
  button2.onclick = location["button functions"][1];
  button3.onclick = location["button functions"][2];
  text.innerText = location.text;

function goTown() {

function goStore() {

function goCave() {

function buyHealth() {
  if (gold >= 10) {
    gold -= 10;
    health += 10;
    goldText.innerText = gold;
    healthText.innerText = health;
  } else {
    text.innerText = "You do not have enough gold to buy health.";

function buyWeapon() {
  if (currentWeapon < weapons.length - 1) {
    if (gold >= 30) {
      gold -= 30;
      goldText.innerText = gold;
      let newWeapon = weapons[currentWeapon].name;
      text.innerText = "You now have a " + newWeapon + ".";
      text.innerText += " In your inventory you have: " + inventory;
    } else {
      text.innerText = "You do not have enough gold to buy a weapon.";
  } else {
    text.innerText = "You already have the most powerful weapon!";
    button2.innerText = "Sell weapon for 15 gold";
    button2.onclick = sellWeapon;

function sellWeapon() {
  if (inventory.length > 1) {
    gold += 15;
    goldText.innerText = gold;
    let currentWeapon = inventory.shift();
    text.innerText = "You sold a " + currentWeapon + ".";
    text.innerText += " In your inventory you have: " + inventory;
  } else {
    text.innerText = "Don't sell your only weapon!";

function fightSlime() {
  fighting = 0;

function fightBeast() {
  fighting = 1;

function fightDragon() {
  fighting = 2;

function goFight() {
  monsterHealth = monsters[fighting].health;
  monsterStats.style.display = "block";
  monsterName.innerText = monsters[fighting].name;
  monsterHealthText.innerText = monsterHealth;

function attack() {
  text.innerText = "The " + monsters[fighting].name + " attacks.";
  text.innerText += " You attack it with your " + weapons[currentWeapon].name + ".";
  health -= getMonsterAttackValue(monsters[fighting].level);
  if (isMonsterHit()) {
    monsterHealth -= weapons[currentWeapon].power + Math.floor(Math.random() * xp) + 1;    
  } else {
    text.innerText += " You miss.";
  healthText.innerText = health;
  monsterHealthText.innerText = monsterHealth;
  if (health <= 0) {
  } else if (monsterHealth <= 0) {
    fighting === 2 ? winGame() : defeatMonster();
  if (Math.random() <= .1 && inventory.length !== 1) {
    text.innerText += " Your " + inventory.pop() + " breaks.";

function getMonsterAttackValue(level) {
  const hit = (level * 5) - (Math.floor(Math.random() * xp));
  return hit > 0 ? hit : 0;

function isMonsterHit() {
  return Math.random() > .2 || health < 20;

function dodge() {
  text.innerText = "You dodge the attack from the " + monsters[fighting].name;

function defeatMonster() {
  gold += Math.floor(monsters[fighting].level * 6.7);
  xp += monsters[fighting].level;
  goldText.innerText = gold;
  xpText.innerText = xp;

function lose() {

function winGame() {

function restart() {
  xp = 0;
  health = 100;
  gold = 50;
  currentWeapon = 0;
  inventory = ["stick"];
  goldText.innerText = gold;
  healthText.innerText = health;
  xpText.innerText = xp;

function easterEgg() {

function pickTwo() {

function pickEight() {

function pick(guess) {
  let numbers = [];
  while (numbers.length < 10) {
    numbers.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 11));
  text.innerText = "You picked " + guess + ". Here are the random numbers:\n";
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    text.innerText += numbers[i] + "\n";
  if (numbers.indexOf(guess) !== -1) {
    text.innerText += "Right! You win 20 gold!";
    gold += 20;
    goldText.innerText = gold;
  } else {
    text.innerText += ' Wrong! You lose 10 health!';
    health -= 10;
    healthText.innerText = health;


The challenge seed code and/or your solution exceeded the maximum length we can port over from the challenge.

You will need to take an additional step here so the code you wrote presents in an easy to read format.

Please copy/paste all the editor code showing in the challenge from where you just linked.

 if (numbers.indexOf(guess) !== -1) {
    text.innerText += "Right! You win 20 gold!";
    gold += 20;
    goldText.innerText = gold;
  } else {
    text.innerText += ' Wrong! You lose 10 health!';
    health -= 10;
    healthText.innerText = health;

What am I doing wrong?

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Challenge Information:

Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 174

Morning @SizeOfACow ,

You’ve got an extra space between ’ and W that you don’t need!
' Wrong! You lose 10 health!';

Looks like everything else is good to go.


Thank you KTO, very helpful!
Also, while I’m asking stupid questions - how would I add a different background image for each location?

Not a worry and that’s not a stupid question!

You can add images independently to the different elements through CSS;

body {
background-image: url(“linkToImageHere”);

html {
background-image: url(“chicken.gif”);

You can layer these different background images in different layers and see how that works out - adding an opaque area over the background is fairly common such as (ignore the content and eye bleeding text-shadow, was just messing around, lol):

There’s actually a lot of really cool things you can do with CSS if you explore some of the things available. Text-shadow is a cool one, nothing wrong with exploring stuff outside of here!

Hey KTO, thanks for your response.

That was my first thought and I had already done that. I want to know how to make the background image “different” for each location within the game using a JS function, or am I getting ahead of myself?

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