Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 176

Tell us what’s happening: Hi! Once terminated the project, I’ve notice a problem in [easterEgg()] function: when you complete the function, the buttons remain in the state of [2] [8] [goTown]. It seems not well done, because the user could repeat again the function, pressing the button one or two. I’ve taken a not-so-elegant solution, changing the text and the function of the button inside the [easterEgg()] function, setting all for taking back the user to the town. Have you noticed the same problem?


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Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game - Step 176

Hello , are you saying that the game dosn’t finish well or at all because it seems to work for me. The function order is not important but it is a little odd the easter egg function is not with the others for location update. BTW I haven`t completed or won so I might need to do that.

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