Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game

Hello, what would a tutorial for this be called?

Aim: To call a function with two param-indexes and retrieves key:value from a second array. The first targets an array, which tells the second index which part of the targeted array the object to be retrieved is from.

For example,

const callArray=[location, misc];
const location=[{name: ,effect:},{name: ,effect:}];
const misc=[{name: ,effect:},{name: ,effect:}];

function goSomewhere(){(update([0],[1]));}
function update(param){
nameText.innerText= first index goes through callArray to determine which array the second index is for.

Hey, there are plenty of resources, just google your question about tutorials for a Role Playing Game. Asking a question about a code snippet might be a little hard to answer. Try Code Wars or Perhaps Codecademy. Good luck