
What´s up people, I´ve been trying to get this exercise and nothing, could anyone light me up?

textContent sets the text of a node and allows you to set or retrieve the text content of an HTML element.

<div id="example">This is some text content</div>
const element = document.getElementById('example');
console.log(element.textContent); // Output: This is some text content

Use a ternary operator to check if currentTitle evaluates to a truthy value. If it does, set playingSong.textContent to currentTitle. Otherwise, set it to an empty string.

Then below that, use a ternary operator to check if currentArtist is truthy. If so, set songArtist.textContent to currentArtist. Otherwise, set it to empty string.


const currentTitle = currentTitle ? playingSong.textContent : “”;
const currentArtist = currentArtist ? songArtist.textContent : “”;


const currentTitle = currentTitle ? playingSong.textContent : "";
 const currentArtist = currentArtist ? songArtist.textContent : "";

Link your topic to the challenge step. Then we can better help you.

you are not setting this, you are creating a new currentArtist variable, which you should not do, because you already have that variable

same for the other line

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