Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 70

Tell us what’s happening:

I entered the below code, i’m not clear about how to set condition for this.
whether currentTitle is truthy? ---- currentTitle !== “” ------ will that check currentTitle is true value

Your code so far

playingSong.textContent = currentTitle ? “currentTitle” : “”;
songArtist.textContent = currentArtist ? “currentArtist” : “”;

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

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// User Editable Region

  playingSong.textContent = currentTitle ? "currentTitle" : "";
  songArtist.textContent = currentArtist ? "currentArtist" : "";

// User Editable Region

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Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player - Step 70

You’ve set the conditions correctly (congratulations, it took me longer than I’d like to admit how this ternary operator works:D), you just need to set playingSong.textContent and songArtist.textContent to the values of variables currentTitle and currentArtist (you’ve set those two a few lines earlier), or to empty strings.
Hope that helps!

values of variables currentTitle and currentArtist

those two were constants, used ${currentTitle} did not pass. i don’t know where i miss.

it seems that you haven’t undersdand the ternary operator.

playingSong.textContent = currentTitle ? "currentTitle" : "";

In your code, you’re assigning the string “currentTitle” to playingSong.textContent not the value of the currentTitle variable.
The ternary operator can be explain like :

variableToAssing = condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse ;

Maybe the quotes around “I’m true” in the explanations confused you.
Hope this helps.

True- they are constants that you’ve assigned some strings to earlier. You can just assign them to the x.textContent directly:)

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Thank you! code passed.