Learn CSS Variables by Building a City Skyline - Step 112

Tell us what’s happening:

Good day all,
I believe everyone is having a great day. I have been stuck at step 112 CSS variables by building a city skyline for more than a week now.
Step 112
Give the sky class a radial-gradient. Use #ffcf33 from 0% to 20%, #ffff66 at 21%, and #bbeeff at 100%. This will add circular gradient to the background that will be your sun.
My solution with friend and what I found Online:

.sky {
  background: radial-gradient (
    #ffcf33 0%, #ffcf33 20%, #ffff66 21%, #bbeeff 100%); }

SOlution 2:

.sky {
  background: radial-gradient (
    #ffcf33 0%  20%, #ffff66 21%, #bbeeff 100%); }

Challenge Information:

Learn CSS Variables by Building a City Skyline - Step 112

Can you talk to us about how the instructions or error message has you stuck? Thanks

this is the error i get
" You should give .sky a radial-gradient in the background property."

under the console tab "

Yeah, but can you talk about what part of that message you don’t understand?

It doesn’t look like you are setting the colors properly.

Look back at some of the other times you’ve set gradients:

.bb1d {
  width: 100%;
  height: 70%;
  background: linear-gradient(
      var(--building-color1) 50%,

sorry i’m not use to the new changes. below is how i arranged it:
solution 1

.sky {
  background: radial-gradient (
    #ffcf33 0%,
    #ffcf33 20%,
    #ffff66 21%,
    #bbeeff 100%

solution 2:

sky {
  background: radial-gradient (
    #ffcf33 0% 20%,
    #ffff66 21%,
    #bbeeff 100%

Compare this line

to this line

What is different (other than the word ‘linear’ vs ‘radial’?

would try this. I hope it works so I can move to the next step

just did and i got Error " Sorry, your code does not pass. Don’t give up.

You should give .sky a radial-gradient in the background property." :frowning:

Actually you have spacing issue in your css property.

sky {
  background: radial-gradient (
    #ffcf33 0% 20%,
    #ffff66 21%,
    #bbeeff 100%

Remove space before your opening ( brace


I was not saying to use the word linear. The instructions don’t ask for that.

I’m asking you to compare the two lines I quoted. There is a difference between how you used linear-gradient correctly and how you are using radial-graident here. look at spaces!

I’m getting them there. We want the learner to be the hero in these threads - no need to steal the limeline!

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thanks for the help Jeremy LT

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i appreciate the help @hasanzaib1389

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