Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter - Step 24

Tell us what’s happening:

I keep getting the same error:

Your cleanInputString function should directly return the result of your replace method.

what am I missing?

Your code so far

<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

function cleanInputString(str) {
  const regex = /[+-\s]/g;


// User Editable Region

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter - Step 24

Welcome to the forum @effinhamma

You have nearly completed all the requirements for this step.

✓ Use your regex to replace all instances of + , - , and a space in str with an empty string.
✗ Return this value.

Happy coding


Its Simple as it is you should Call a function as a recursion and pass the argument make sure your second argument should look like this - “” but not this - " "

happy Coding!!..

MOD Solution removed

brother this is the solution here. you already does everything but you forget to return the value.

Welcome to the forum @satyam10
It is great that you solved the challenge, but instead of posting your full working solution, it is best to stay focused on answering the original poster’s question(s) and help guide them with hints and suggestions to solve their own issues with the challenge.

We are trying to cut back on the number of spoiler solutions found on the forum and instead focus on helping other campers with their questions and definitely not posting full working solutions.

MOD Solution removed

Hi @cristianalejandroqui

It is great that you solved the challenge, but instead of posting your full working solution, it is best to stay focused on answering the original poster’s question(s) and help guide them with hints and suggestions to solve their own issues with the challenge.

We are trying to cut back on the number of spoiler solutions found on the forum and instead focus on helping other campers with their questions and definitely not posting full working solutions.