Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter - Step 40

Tell us what’s happening:

I don’t understand how to do this exercise.

It gives me the following errors:
“You should pass targetId to your querySelector() method.”
“You should concatenate ’ .input-container’ to targetId. Remember to include the space at the beginning of .input-container.”

Can somebody point me into the direction of where I am going wrong?

To recap the exercise:

Step 40

Now you need to target the .input-container element within the element that has your targetId. Declare a new targetInputContainer variable, and assign it the value of document.querySelector(). Use concatenation to separate targetId and ‘.input-container’ with a space, and pass that string to querySelector().

My code so far

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

function addEntry() {
  const targetId = '#' + entryDropdown.value;
  const targetInputContainer = document.querySelector(`${targetId} ' .input-container'`);

// User Editable Region

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Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter - Step 40

the quotes make it a not valid selector, the string should not contain quotes

I have tried a few combinations of quotes, and if I remove them I still get the same errors. Or do I have more quotes in wrong places?

function addEntry() {
  const targetId = '#' + entryDropdown.value;
    const targetInputContainer = document.querySelector(`${targetId} .input-container`);

After some debugging with a friend we found a solution that validates. But (according to him) there are more ways that lead to Rome, so one of my earlier solutions would have worked, but I get that the system just checks for one.

Thanks for the help, this was a confusing exercise!

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