Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet - Step 105

Tell us what’s happening:

could you please help me what is the last function

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<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

const spreadsheetFunctions = {
  even: nums => nums.filter(isEven),
  someeven: nums => nums.some(isEven),
  everyeven: nums => nums.every(isEven),
  firsttwo: nums => nums.slice(0, 2),
  lasttwo: nums => nums.slice(-2),
  has2: nums => nums.includes(2),
  increment: nums => nums.map(num => num + 1),
  random: ([x, y]) => Math.floor(Math.random() * y + x),
  range: nums => range(...nums),
  nodupes: nums => [...new Set(nums).values()],

// User Editable Region

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Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet - Step 105

Hi there!

Read carefully the instructions:
add an empty string property (you will need to use quotes) which is a function that takes a single argument and returns that argument.

Use the key/pair value Syntex, add empty string(pair of a quote marks) then return a callback function with a parameter

You have used that callback function in previous lines of codes.