Tell us what’s happening:
In the exercise below, I was instructed to add has2 property within the spreadsheetFunctions object, which should return a Boolean values; if the nums array contain 2. I got that successfully. The next task is to add increment property to the spreadsheetFunctions object and returns nums in every value incremented by one. I have incremented nums by one but I am still stuck. Can someone please help me with some clued
Your code so far
const spreadsheetFunctions = {
even: nums => nums.filter(isEven),
firsttwo: nums => nums.slice(0, 2),
lasttwo: nums => nums.slice(-2),
has2: nums => nums.includes(2) ? true : false,
increment: nums => nums++ ,
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Challenge Information:
Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet - Step 99