/ learn - get help menu

Hi Folks,
Im struggling thru javascript - im having to read and re-read some of the lessons and still have issues - would it be helpful for learners to see within the “get help” submenu, not only “get a hint” and “ask for help” and “watch video” but also a way to see questions or queries that have been asked on the same /learn lesson on the forum? That way, we can see questions previously asked and/or solutions provided?

Let me know your thoughts, if you have time!

The almost equivalent of this is how you can search through the Guide articles, as well as the content on News through the search bar in the top left. Its purpose is to provide quick access to a plethora of detailed explanations into topics you search.

Yes, it would be cool, if the posts were indexed to the challenge (relative content), but this is a lot of overhauling to get implemented.

Remember it is not all that difficult to navigate to the forum and use search to find topics on a specific challenge.

Let us see what others think, though.

a good point, and a TON of work to go thru the whole curriculum to index the curriculum…