Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object - Build an SQL Reference Object

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So I got to about 75% completion in this course, and when I came up on a lesson for an interactive rebase on HEAD~5 or something I was instructed to swap pick lines for s lines to squash commits. Only thing was the commits that were supposed to be there weren’t there despite following the instructions. I reset the lesson, my JSON file disappeared, and now I can’t even find the CodeRoad: Start command in my editor. Do I have to redo 180 lessons or is there any way to salvage my progress?

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Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object - Build an SQL Reference Object

Hi @joshposyluzny

Did you try the dashboard?

Happy coding

Yeah I have tried loading the project from the dashboard multiple times

I think because you reset, the whole course reset.

Try the dashboard again, do the first step.
Then press Run multiple times.

It still didn’t work, but anyway thank you. I just restart the whole thing again.

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