Learn How to Work with Numbers and Strings by Implementing the Luhn Algorithm - Step 27

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def verify_card_number(card_number):
    sum_of_odd_digits = 0
    card_number_reversed = card_number[::-1]
    odd_digits = card_number_reversed[::2]

    for digit in odd_digits:
        sum_of_odd_digits += int(digit)

# User Editable Region

    sum_of_even_digits = 0
    even_digits = card_number_reversed[1::2]
    for digit in even_digits:
        number = int(digit) * 2

# User Editable Region

def main():
    card_number = '4111-1111-4555-1142'
    card_translation = str.maketrans({'-': '', ' ': ''})
    translated_card_number = card_number.translate(card_translation)



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Learn How to Work with Numbers and Strings by Implementing the Luhn Algorithm - Step 27

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Hello harshwantstolearncod,

You don’t need the round brackets in phyton for an if statement. :slight_smile:

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