Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 12

Tell us what’s happening:
it told me ive either omitted the href value or have a typo but i didnt, ive added the href value with the link they gave me but it still said that my code does not pass,please help me,im still a beginner

Your code so far

      <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
      <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->

<!-- User Editable Region -->

 <p>i think <a href="https://freecatphotoapp.com/">freecodecamp</a> is great</p>

<!-- User Editable Region -->

      <img src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/relaxing-cat.jpg" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge: Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 12

Link to the challenge:

Hello and welcome.

You shouldn´t change the original sentence. ONLY you need to turn the words cat photos in a text link.

Advice: reset the step and start again.


Welcome to FCC Forum and community!

I share your thoughts on freeCodeCamp.
Thank you making me smile with your code! :slight_smile:

You, definitely, know how to complete the correct anchor and use it to complete this step.

Please, to show everybody, including me, that you can do the correct step, reset it and use your talent to complete the step and move on with your coding journey?

May your coding journey take you far!

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