Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 12

Tell us what’s happening:

step 12 my code is not running i dont see the error

Your code so far

      <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
      <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->

<!-- User Editable Region -->

      <p>I think <a href="https://freecatphotoapp .com">freeCodeCamp</a> is great.</p>
      <a href="https://freecatphotoapp.com">link to cat pictures</a>

<!-- User Editable Region -->

      <img src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/relaxing-cat.jpg" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 12


I can see one thing wrong. Check the URL. There is a space where there should not be one.

This is likely the cause.
Secondly check the URL after I think.

Is that the right one?

Check it against the question.

Sometimes it’s easy to oversight on the little details.

Good luck.

Hi there,

You put in the example code. That’s not what the instruction asked.

What the instruction asked is:

In the text of your p element, turn the words cat photos into a link by adding opening and closing anchor (a) tags around these words. Then set the href attribute to https://freecatphotoapp.com

That means you need to turn this paragraph from this:

See more cat photos in our gallery.

into this:

See more cat photos in our gallery.