Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 14

Tell us what’s happening:

Hello, I have tried running this code several times it keeps giving error

Everyone lovescute cats online!

See more <a href="https://freecatphot
This is the Error: Sorry, your code does not pass. Don’t give up.
The text of the p element should still be Everyone loves cute cats online!.

Your code so far

      <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
      <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->

<!-- User Editable Region -->

      <p> Everyone loves<a href="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/running-cats.jpg">cute cats</a> online! </p>

<!-- User Editable Region -->

      <p>See more <a href="https://freecatphotoapp.com">cat photos</a> in our gallery.</p>
      <img src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/relaxing-cat.jpg" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">

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Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 14

Welcome to the forum!

There’s one space missing in the sentence. If you take a close look at the preview window, you will see where the letters are sticking together.

Thanks for the reponse however, i have done that but still have not progressed to the next step. Here is the change to the code :

<P> Everyone loves<a href="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/running-cats.jpg."> Cute cats </a> online! </P>

you made a lot of edits other than adding the anchor element. Try with “cute cats” all lowercase, remove spaces from inside the anchor element and add a space after “loves”.

Just did and it worked!
Thanks for the Help