Tell us what’s happening:
I have a problem
There should be a new anchor element in the first p element.
Your code so far
<h2>Cat Photos</h2>
<!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
<p> Everyone loves cute cats online! </p>
<a href="">cute cats</a>
<p>See more <a href="">cat photos</a> in our gallery.</p>
<img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">
Your mobile information:
iPad - iPadOS17.6.1
Challenge: Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 14
Link to the challenge:
That above line is your first paragraph. You need to turn the existing words cute cats
into a link.
Tell us what’s happening:
I have a problem can anyone help me?
It says "There should be a new anchor element in the first p element.
Your code so far
<h2>Cat Photos</h2>
<!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
<p>Everyone loves cute cats online!</p>
<img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">
See more <a href="">cute cats</a> in our gallery.
Your mobile information:
iPad - iPadOS17.6.1
Challenge: Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 14
Link to the challenge:
Hi there! You have modified the second paragraph element text.
Reset the challenge step and add anchor element around existing text cute cats
within the first paragraph you have in the challenge editor.