Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 20

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        <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
        <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
        <p>See more <a target="_blank" href="https://freecatphotoapp.com">cat photos</a> in our gallery.</p>
        <a href="https://freecatphotoapp.com"><img src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/relaxing-cat.jpg" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."></a>

<!-- User Editable Region -->

        <h2>Cat Lists</h2>
        <h3>Things cats love:</h3></(ul)>

<!-- User Editable Region -->


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Challenge: Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 20

Link to the challenge:

how do i place the (ul) ?? seems like everything i try is wrong

A ul element has both an opening and closing tag, so you’ll need to add both of those. Also, I don’t think tags have parentheses in them. The parentheses in the instructions aren’t part of the name of the element.

they keep hinting me to at to my (ul)

This is the hint I’m getting from your code above:

" Your ul element should have an opening tag. Opening tags have this syntax: <elementName>."

This is telling you that you need to add an opening tag for the ul element. You have only added the closing tag.

Also, it’s just ul, not (ul). The element is describing an “unordered list”. The instructions are telling you that the name of the element is ul. They are using the parentheses to do that, but the parentheses are not part of the actual name of the element.

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