Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 55

is my first day on this site and i don’t know if i have permission to put the cone here

<input id="loving" type="checkbox"><label for="loving"</label>

I assume you mean the correct code? No, you can’t put code that the OP can just copy paste, but you can put examples.

no this is how my code looks right now

after the “lovind” put this “>” sign

The word “Loving” minus quotations should be between the ending> of the opening tag and the </ of the closing one.

so like this ? <input id="loving" type="checkbox"><label>Loving</label> this also didnt work like this

That is mostly correct, sorry I misread. Just add the for="loving" to the first <label> and your code should pass

your part of code need to look like this but with your word <label for="theWordYouNeed">TheWordYouNeed</label>
i think is ok and i don’t break any rules

I had hoped i edited fast enough that you didn’t see the first part. Apologies again for the confusion.

i stay 30 minutes for this chapter:))

so like this <label for="Loving">Loving</label>>

cause it keeps saying The text Loving should no longer be located directly to the right of your checkbox. It should be wrapped in a label element. Make sure there is a space between the two elements

Close, remember that capitalization in code is very important. You usually don’t see caps inside elements.

yes, like this, but you need to put this in the line input

Also you have an extra > at the end

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i saw that i dont know why it came out like that in the text cause it doesn’t look like that in the code

so like this <input id="loving" type="checkbox"<label for="loving">loving</label>

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you lost an close sign after the checkbox

it still says The text Loving should no longer be located directly to the right of your checkbox. It should be wrapped in a label element. Make sure there is a space between the two elements.