It is great that you solved the challenge, but instead of posting your full working solution, it is best to stay focused on answering the original poster’s question(s) and help guide them with hints and suggestions to solve their own issues with the challenge.
We are trying to cut back on the number of spoiler solutions found on the forum and instead focus on helping other campers with their questions and definitely not posting full working solutions.
I just found that your reply wasn’t very clear, in the sense that at first read, it didn’t seem like any text had been changed. I was just trying to clarify that it was specifically a capitalization issue that was the problem, and clarifying which “loving” needed to be capitalized instead.
It seems to me that your response is just as “spoiler” as mine is, excepts it’s not as clear. You also did the work for them, by telling them which exact word needed to be changed.
Am I wrong in thinking that a better response to this question, in terms of avoiding spoilers, is to say,
“Everything is accurate, except you’ve left a certain word uncapitalized, which is what is triggering the check to return as incorrect.”
I see your point here, but it’s just a policy against posting verbatim code like this to avoid spoilers for other people.
If someone else had the code wrong and found this forum post they could just copy/paste the code.
In this case, it’s just a capitalization problem, not really a code/logic issue, so I think it’s ok to point it out exactly. Although I think being vague would be fine as well. Looking for typos character by character is unfortunately sometimes part of programming.
The original text given for this input was Loving and it was placed on the right of the input element.
Now, after you modified the code, what text is placed on the right of the input element?
You want to fix that so it says Living again.
You also want to make the for attribute have the exact same value as the id attribute of the corresponding input.
In your case, you modified the value given originally in this step from loving to Loving so the test is confused and can no longer find it.
If you want, you can undo the changes by clicking reset and trying this step again.