Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 64

Look at line eight of your code. You put an a opening tag with href attribute, then a closing a tag after the text cat photos. You made the text cat photos into a link by surrounding it by an opening a tag before the text, with href, then a closing a tag after the text. Basically, you want to do the same thing with the text freeCodeCamp.org.
The line in question does not need an additional p element. You have an opening p tag above, and a closing p tag below. That is all you need.

Take a break… you can look at this again when you had a chance to rest.

When you come back, try to reset the code and focus on adding the anchor element only.

Also read the post about how to write code on the forum. It explains the formatting so that people can see what you are posting properly.
< Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App - Step 64 - #14 by hbar1st>

its all good i finally got it

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