Learn HTML by building CATPHOTOAPP step 64

Hi - Can you help me? I’m not sure what im doing wrong.

Ta. x

  <p>No Copyright - <a href:'https://www.freecodecamp.org'>freeCodeCamp.org</a></p>


Sorry, your code does not pass. Keep trying.

  1. Your anchor (a) element should have an href attribute with the value https://www.freecodecamp.org. You may have omitted the attribute/value, or have a typo.

Hello there! Welcome to our forum.
Your href has a problem. When writing the href, we use equal marks, not full colons. With this change, your code should be ok.

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Anchor tags need src attributes, so I would fix this.

Hello and welcome to the forum @py_thon !

As stated earlier, placing an equal sign, after the href attribute, in place of the colon will help your anchor to work for you.

image elements require src attributes, usually with an alternative (alt) attribute for accessibility.

Here is a link to how to turn images and text into links with great examples.

Wishing you good progress on your coding journey. :slightly_smiling_face:

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