Learn HTML Forms by Building a Registration Form - Step 2

Tell us what’s happening:
Describe your issue in detail here.
Keeps telling me to close the tags or that they are not in the correct order

Your code so far

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html Lang="en">

Your mobile information:

iPhone - iOS15.6

Challenge: Learn HTML Forms by Building a Registration Form - Step 2

Link to the challenge:

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Hello there @mfd7y2gd6b welcome to fcc forum.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html Lang="en">

Your opening and closing tag is correct but you need to type lang attribute correctly. lang always start with small letters.

I hope my reply will help you. Let me know, thanks.

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To add to mailforworkon’s post all elements and attributes in html are always lower case.
Sentence case should really be used only in elements where you have text that is not code. Such as a title or paragraph.
Using this rule should help.

I too have made this mistake a few times.

Also another good clue is that the text in the instructions also gives you the correct case for the tag to use.


You should change the CAPS of the “L” in your “Lang” attribute to lower-case “l”. It should read:
“lang”, instead of Lang. Please use lowercase lettering for attributes and their values unless stated otherwise, especially for texts going forward.

This should do the trick.
Lets grow together :muscle: :fire: :zap:
Happy Coding!


It Works :pray:t3: Thank you

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