Tell us what’s happening:
“You should assign a list containing two f-strings having the form slope = <slope>
and y-intercept = <intercept>
to details_list
inside the case
body. Remember to format the numerical values to display 3
decimal digits.”
the list has both strings, copy paste the strings, and the number displaying .000.
detail_list: [‘slope = +2.000’, ‘y-intercept = +3.000’]
anyone have any clue what’s wrong?
Your code so far
# User Editable Region
details = equation.analyze()
match details:
case {'slope' : slope, 'intercept': intercept}:
details_list = [f'slope = {slope:+.3f}',f'y-intercept = {intercept:+.3f}' ]
print('list:', details_list)
# User Editable Region
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Learn Interfaces by Building an Equation Solver - Step 63