Learn Interfaces by Building an Equation Solver - Step 65

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i’m not an expert at this stuff yet, but i can sure tell when my code matches another piece of code. And this does so why isn’t it passing

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# User Editable Region

            details_list = [f'slope = {slope:^35.3f}', f'y-intercept = {intercept:^24.3f}']

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Learn Interfaces by Building an Equation Solver - Step 65

the output in the terminal is

----Linear Equation-----

       2x +3 = 0        


       x = -1.500       


slope =                2.000               
y-intercept =          3.000 

you are putting the numbers too far right

this on the the terminal is
details_list = [f'slope = {slope:^27.3f}', f'y-intercept = {intercept:^16.3f}']

slope = 2.000
y-intercept = 3.000

not accurate as to what i see on terminal but roughly the same
its still not passing

on the terminal it looks like the example

you have to right align, not center align and use a visual trick. you have too many spaces to the right, those count as characters

changing character is more visible:

there should be nothin on the right of the number