Learn Intermediate Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Dice Game - Step 2

Tell us what’s happening:

I don’t know how to grab elements inside a div with an ID, I’ve researched it and can’t find a way to do it.

this is the prompt =>

The next step is to select all of the elements responsible for displaying the scores.

Use the querySelectorAll() method to access all of the input elements inside the #score-options div element and assign that result to a constant called scoreInputs.

Then use the querySelectorAll() method to access all of the span elements inside the #score-options div element and assign that result to a constant called scoreSpans.

the error I get is =>

You should target all of the input elements inside the #score-options div element.

Your code so far

const scoreInputs = document.querySelectorAll('#score-options div > input');
const scoreSpans = document.querySelectorAll('#score-options div > span');


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Learn Intermediate Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Dice Game - Step 2

i’m also stuck on this and can’t seem to find any sollution…

i figured it out, the div is irrelevant , you’re already calling on the div by using the #id. you just have to specify what element you are trying to grab ie the input or spam

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that’s what i figured, but somehow it still doesn’t work…

Please show us your code

const scoreInputs = document.querySelectorAll('#score-options > input');
const scoreSpans = document.querySelectorAll('#score-options > span');

You don’t need the >


thank you very much!

I tried to do this using MDN documentation (Document: querySelectorAll() method - Web APIs | MDN)

But it was not helpful because it doesn’t show the kind of syntax style that FCC is looking for at this step. It’s going to cause learners to get stuck.

if you mean the selector, that is its own topic, you are not going to find an explanation on selectors in the page for querySelectorAll

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