Learn Intermediate CSS by Building a Cat Painting - Step 8

Tell us what’s happening:
Describe your issue in detail here.
I struggle with linear function
Your code so far

background: linear-gradient #5e5e5e 85% #45454f 100%; 
<!-- file: index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>fCC Cat Painting</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css">
      <div class="cat-head"></div>
/* file: styles.css */
* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  background-color: #c9d2fc;

.cat-head {
  width: 205px;
  height: 180px;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  border-radius: 46%;

/* User Editable Region */

background: linear-gradient #5e5e5e 85% #45454f 100%; 

/* User Editable Region */


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Challenge: Learn Intermediate CSS by Building a Cat Painting - Step 8

Link to the challenge:

you need toa have those colors in brackets ()

@diomed is correct. You should also separate the two colors with a comma after your percent number.

background: linear-gradient(red 100%, green 20%);
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I was skeptical about your answer and my intuition is right. YOUE ANSWER IS WRONG
background: linear-gradient (#5e5e5e 85% #45454f 100%);

You are also wrong. This why I moslty prefer a professional for help, NOT a student like me

background: linear-gradient (#5e5e5e 85%, #45454f 100%,);

background: linear-gradient (#5e5e5e 85%, #45454f 100%);

Wrong AGAIN :rofl:

The space before the open bracket was the issue. I got it.

Unlike you I’m actually polite. most people appreciate help even though at times the answer is not to there liking. Also I didn’t mean that your last color should have a comma, like I said its for separation between the two.

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Ah I didn’t realize, see that now. Well done :+1:.

Worry not. Thank you for your help

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It’s utmost disrispectful to tell people who are helping you that their answer is wrong - when it’s not. IN the end you needed those brackets.

We are not here to give you answer on a plader, and you cant demand answers to be provided like that, because giving away complete answers instead of guiding you, while you’re trying to solve problem yourself - goes AGAINST POLICY of FCC.


Relax. If your answer is wrong then, there’s nothing to be offended about. There answer was found.

my anwer was not at all wrong.
we are not here to give you solutions.

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Does not matter. You answer was wrong. I got the right answer.

It looks like both of them correctly identified problems with your code. Please be kind to people who are helping you!

This thread has run it’s course, so I’ll close it.