Learn Intermediate OOP by Building a Platformer Game - Step 79

I can’t figure out this problem

 if (keys.rightKey.pressed && isCheckpointCollisionDetectionActive) {
platforms.forEach(platform.x -= 5)

Challenge Information:

Learn Intermediate OOP by Building a Platformer Game - Step 79

Please talk to us about how the instructions or error message is confusing. Thanks

the error says: You should have a forEach loop that iterates through the platforms array.

platforms.forEach(platform.x -= [5])

from my understanding the loop is the parenthesis so I added an array around [5] but still doesn’t work

The forEach loop takes a callback function. This here isn’t a function though. Look at the code from previous steps to see examples of arrow functions being used as callbacks for forEach

ok thank you got the answer

I still don’t get what the solution is.

I am putting this and it is showing as wrong:

if (keys.rightKey.pressed && isCheckpointCollisionDetectionActive) {
      platforms.forEach((platform) => {
        platform.x -= 5;

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