I cant figure it out. ive tried changing the script, removing the “” , changing the secondCharacter to world and character with and without the “” , as well as adding extra lines to make world a variable. ive been at this for over 3 hours and have finally decided to admit to defeat. ive seen plenty of posts on this and i dont understand it still. can someone explain it in a way that a baby could understand?
Your code so far
let Character = 'Hello';
Character = "World";
let secondCharacter;
// User Editable Region
secondCharacter = "World";
// User Editable Region
let first = "One";
let second = "Two";
second = first;
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Challenge Information:
Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 10
stored the string “World” in the variable character
stored the string “Test” in the variable secondCharacter
Now you want to assign what’s stored in character and copy it into secondCharacter. To assign something into a variable you use =. Whatever is on the right side of = is stored into the left side.