Tell us what’s happening:
I have tried the Read-Search-Ask method: Yes, I have read the documentation and guides related to this topic. I also searched the forum for similar questions and reviewed the provided answers.
I have searched for similar questions that have already been answered on the forum: Yes, I have thoroughly searched the forum for related issues and found that while there are similar questions, none addressed my specific problem.
Tell us what’s happening: I am encountering issues with assigning values b
Your code so far
// User Editable Region
let firstCharacter = "World"; // Initialize firstCharacter with "World"
let secondCharacter; // Declare secondCharacter without initializing
console.log("Before assignment:");
console.log("firstCharacter:", firstCharacter); // Should log 'World'
console.log("secondCharacter:", secondCharacter); // Should log 'undefined'
// Assign the value of firstCharacter to secondCharacter
secondCharacter = firstCharacter; // secondCharacter now has the value 'World'
console.log("After assignment:");
console.log("firstCharacter:", firstCharacter); // Should still log 'World'
console.log("secondCharacter:", secondCharacter); // Should now log 'World'
// User Editable Region
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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 11