Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 11

Tell us what’s happening:

I have tried the Read-Search-Ask method: Yes, I have read the documentation and guides related to this topic. I also searched the forum for similar questions and reviewed the provided answers.

I have searched for similar questions that have already been answered on the forum: Yes, I have thoroughly searched the forum for related issues and found that while there are similar questions, none addressed my specific problem.

Tell us what’s happening: I am encountering issues with assigning values b

Your code so far

// User Editable Region

let firstCharacter = "World"; // Initialize firstCharacter with "World"
let secondCharacter; // Declare secondCharacter without initializing

console.log("Before assignment:");
console.log("firstCharacter:", firstCharacter); // Should log 'World'
console.log("secondCharacter:", secondCharacter); // Should log 'undefined'

// Assign the value of firstCharacter to secondCharacter
secondCharacter = firstCharacter; // secondCharacter now has the value 'World'

console.log("After assignment:");
console.log("firstCharacter:", firstCharacter); // Should still log 'World'
console.log("secondCharacter:", secondCharacter); // Should now log 'World'

// User Editable Region

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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 11

The problem here is the variable named “firstCharacter”. The system wants a variable named “character” only and if you reset your code you can simply see that. Then you can assign the value of your “character” variable to the “secondCharacter” and it shld work.
Hope this helps!

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