Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 33


```for ('iterator'; 'condition'; 'iteration';) { }

I edited and rewrote the code bc the top one only showed the backticks

Not sure why it’s not working. One of the mods may be able to come along and format your code directly. Your quotes look normal on the screen therre.

Not sure if you need a hard refresh: See this post: How to do a Hard Refresh and Refresh Your Browser Cache

Adding back ticks are for showing your code here in your post, that was not asked to add it to your challenge editor.

Remove the semicolon after last expression of your loop

That’s better - I cut and paste your code minus the back ticks and the ; after ‘iteration’ and it worked for me.

for (‘iterator’; ‘condition’; ‘iteration’) {


Thank you Gentleman it worked.

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i have copied the code yall were talking about after about an hour of trying to find the answer but the code yall have here also isnt working for me


Can you post a new forum topic for your issue. If you complete the form and post your code so we can help you.