Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 43

Tell us what’s happening:

my code should work but it seems i am missing something

Your code so far

const character = "#";
const count = 8;
const rows = [];

for (let i = 0; i < count; i = i + 1) {

let result = ""

// User Editable Region

for (const row of rows) {
  result = result + "\n" + row;


// User Editable Region


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Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 43

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Hello, your are very close here, but you want to escape after not before the row. Reading the console log tells you exactly what to do. The example seems quite ambiguous to me.


Hello, so what exactly is the problem with that line of code? Even the YouTube tutorials suggest that I am right, yet the Freecode campsite says otherwise.