Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 55

Tell us what’s happening:

tried every way possible still cant figure it out why its showing code doesnt pass. please help

Your code so far

const character = "#";
const count = 8;
const rows = [];

// User Editable Region

function addTwoNumbers(a,b){
  return a+b;
const sum = addTwoNumbers(5,10);

// User Editable Region

const call = padRow("CamperChan");

for (let i = 0; i < count; i = i + 1) {
  rows.push(character.repeat(i + 1))

let result = ""

for (const row of rows) {
  result = result + row + "\n";

Challenge Information:

Learn Introductory JavaScript by Building a Pyramid Generator - Step 55

Your function and console.log call looks fine. It seems that part of the seed code might have been removed. Try resetting the step.

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Hello, I just wrote this out step by step and it passed, the code was exactly like yours except for the params.

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you have deleted the padRow function and, also at the end there are a } missing and a console.log, you should reset the step and write your code again without deleting anything