Learn Lambda Functions by Building an Expense Tracker - Step 17

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I have already written the code right, and redid this a million times, but I can’t get ahead

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def add_expense(expenses, amount, category):
    expenses.append({'amount': amount, 'category': category})
def print_expenses(expenses):
    for expense in expenses:
        print(f'Amount: {expense["amount"]}, Category: {expense["category"]}')

# User Editable Region

def total_expenses(expenses):
    return sum(map(lambda expense: expense['amount'], expenses))

# User Editable Region

expenses = []

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Learn Lambda Functions by Building an Expense Tracker - Step 17

You are over-complicating things by a country mile. You only need to retrieve the value of ‘amount’ in the expense dictionary. Back in Step 11, it shows you have to set up a Lambda function.