Learn Python List Comprehension By Building a Case Converter Program - Step 12

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Hi team, I can’t go beyond this step. I tried many times.

Your code so far

def convert_to_snake_case(pascal_or_camel_cased_string):
    snake_cased_char_list = []
    for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:
        if char.isupper():
            converted_character = '_' + char.lower()
    snake_cased_string = ''.join(snake_cased_char_list)
    clean_snake_cased_string = snake_cased_string.strip('_')

    return clean_snake_cased_string

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def main():

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Learn Python List Comprehension By Building a Case Converter Program - Step 12

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is this prinnting the output of the function?

Even when I print(‘aLongAndComplexString’) I have the sme error:

Sorry, your code does not pass. Don’t give up.

You should call convert_to_snake_case() inside the main() function and pass aLongAndComplexString as input to the function.

When you try to print the following:

It won’t print anything because you’re not declaring the function, and is missing an argument, like this: convert_to_snake_case('This is an example string').

To get the result that you want, you are almost there. Just print out your line above:

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Here is the whole code:

def main():

It does not pass.

I solved the issue. Thanks

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