Learn Python List Comprehension by Building a Case Converter Program - Step 16

I have tried to fix this for a hours! Can anybody help me!

Start by replacing pass with the variable snake_cased_char_list and assign it an empty list. Use the square brace notation to create the list but do not put anything between the braces.

Your code so far

def convert_to_snake_case(pascal_or_camel_cased_string):
    # snake_cased_char_list = []
    # for char in pascal_or_camel_cased_string:
    #     if char.isupper():
    #       converted_character = '_' + char.lower()
    #       snake_cased_char_list.append(converted_character)
    #     else:
    #         snake_cased_char_list.append(char)
    # snake_cased_string = ''.join(snake_cased_char_list)
    # clean_snake_cased_string = snake_cased_string.strip('_')

    # return clean_snake_cased_string

# User Editable Region


# User Editable Region

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

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Learn Python List Comprehension by Building a Case Converter Program - Step 16

where is the rest of your code? you may need to reset the step

I have it i just posted the place i am stacked on i will edit it now!

this is not a function, don’t call it like a function
read carefully the instructions. You need to assign an empty list to this variable

i got it i was thinking it was a function!

   snake_cased_char_list = [] 

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