Tell us what’s happening:
Im getting a KEY error ‘A’ on my print function line. Why?
Your code so far
# User Editable Region
rods = {
type(['A']): range(3, 0, -1),
'B': [],
'C': []
# User Editable Region
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Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 4
It sounds like there is a problem with one of the keys in your object.
You are trying to access the key ‘A’
But if you look at your object, it no longer has a key called ‘A’
So just the literal replacement that is already in the line that’s next to the ?
Now I have this rods = { type(['A']): range(3, 0, -1), 'B': [], 'C': [] } print(type,('A'))
You had it exactly right the first time. Except you’ve changed the name of the key in the object and it’s still no longer ‘A’.
So I got rid of the ‘A’ but still says I need to pass ‘A’ to the type function()?
type(['A']): range(3, 0, -1),
'B': [],
'C': []
Reset the step, and don’t make any changes to the object that’s already created.
Your print() was correct the first time.