Tell us what’s happening:
Hi, I get the following message "
Your code raised an error before any tests could run. Please fix it and try again."
I have been stuck for hours and can’t find what’s wrong.
Your code so far
rods = {
'A': list(range(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 0, -1)),
'B': [],
'C': []
# User Editable Region
def move(n, source, auxiliary, target):
if n > 0:
#move n - 1 disks from source to auxiliary, so they are out of the way
move(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target)
#display starting configuration
print(rods, '\n')
# User Editable Region
# initiate call from source A to target C with auxiliary B
move(NUMBER_OF_DISKS, 'A', 'B', 'C')
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Challenge Information:
Learn Recursion by Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle - Step 46