Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Password Generator - Step 1

Tell us what’s happening:

I cannot type in the editor - the only post I found suggested that I use Firefox (which I already do).
I use the NoScript-plugin, but have allowed all scripts on the site.

I also tried MS Edge as an alternative, but the problem exists there, too.
Are there any known actions that I can try?

I also tried a JavaScript course, but there I do not even see an editor windows at all. (the Console shows just fine and all other buttons seem to react normally, afaik).

And, should there be a posting already, in addition to the one I already found, how could I have found it?

Your code so far

# User Editable Region

# User Editable Region

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0

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Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Password Generator - Step 1

is this the first python project you started? where you having issues with other projects?

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Can you try chrome and disable all extensions ?

Also do you have any accessibility settings on your computer?

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I now tried to do it on another computer.

I have again tried Firefox, Edge and a freshly downloaded and installed Chrome.

The problem still persists on every browser.

Maybe I am doing or understanding some important basic thing wrong, but to be sure: the coding window is the black window on the right side, where the curser is visible, correct?

If I click on that part of the window, the cursor turns from a black rectangle with a white outline to a completely white rectangle, so I see that the window is active now - but no matter what I do - any keys pressed do not result in anything appearing in that window…

And yes, it is my first project on the page, since I only found it today and logged in for the first time.
When choosing another Python project, the problem is the same, though…

Type code on the left side. The 1st line of code is designated with a 1

This corresponds to a file called “main.py” indicated above

The windows on the left are output, “console” and “preview”

Click those buttons a few times so you can see those panels appear and disappear and get an idea of which is which

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I just also found it out myself - I always thought the line with the 1 before it was a progress bar, since it was step 1 for the project and I could have sworn that I clicked on it before without anything noticable happening - thanks for the help - it works now :smiley: and just like I was beginning to realize: I was on the wrong path…