I cannot type in the editor - the only post I found suggested that I use Firefox (which I already do).
I use the NoScript-plugin, but have allowed all scripts on the site.
I also tried MS Edge as an alternative, but the problem exists there, too.
Are there any known actions that I can try?
I also tried a JavaScript course, but there I do not even see an editor windows at all. (the Console shows just fine and all other buttons seem to react normally, afaik).
And, should there be a posting already, in addition to the one I already found, how could I have found it?
Your code so far
# User Editable Region
# User Editable Region
Your browser information:
User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0
Challenge Information:
Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Password Generator - Step 1
I have again tried Firefox, Edge and a freshly downloaded and installed Chrome.
The problem still persists on every browser.
Maybe I am doing or understanding some important basic thing wrong, but to be sure: the coding window is the black window on the right side, where the curser is visible, correct?
If I click on that part of the window, the cursor turns from a black rectangle with a white outline to a completely white rectangle, so I see that the window is active now - but no matter what I do - any keys pressed do not result in anything appearing in that window…
And yes, it is my first project on the page, since I only found it today and logged in for the first time.
When choosing another Python project, the problem is the same, though…
I just also found it out myself - I always thought the line with the 1 before it was a progress bar, since it was step 1 for the project and I could have sworn that I clicked on it before without anything noticable happening - thanks for the help - it works now and just like I was beginning to realize: I was on the wrong path…